Prosciutto Roses


Prosciutto Roses are the perfect addition to any charcuterie board to impress your dinner guests. These delicate roses can also look adorable on green pasta dish.

Prosciutto roses on a wooden board, with herbs surrounded.


Here’s step-by-step instructions with pictures to make Prosciutto Roses.

Recipe  Prosciutto Roses on Lectin Free Wife by Brie Minnaar

Here’s step-by-step instructions how to make Prosciutto Roses.

  1. Lay one piece of prosciutto flat on a cutting board.

  2. Use a sharp knife to cut off the layer of fat. (You can keep this piece if you like, however, I prefer to remove it because it makes the petals look flimsy.) Then cut the remaining piece in half.
    *Cutting each piece in half makes smaller blooms, making them the perfect size for finger food and helps reduce animal protein intake.

  3. Starting from the newly cut side, begin rolling the prosciutto up toward the rounded edge.

  4. Continue loosely rolling up until the folded edge reaches the rounded edge.

  5. Once the prosciutto is rolled into a tube, start with one side and roll like a cinnamon roll. The folded edge will be the flower’s base (the bottom) and the opposite side where the the rounded edge and the fold edge meet will create the pedals sides (the top)

  6. On the pedal side, gently open while slightly fold the edges outward creating the open blooms.



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